Reading, writing and seal-cutting, none of them is neglected by Jiang Shanqing. His writing is elegant and his painting skills have a continued improvement largely due to his good cultivation of a noble spirit. I think he is obviously influenced by Qian Juntao and Shen Roujian, but his touch of brush bears more resolution than Master Qian’s and his colouring goes smoother than that of Mr. Shen, quite like post-impressionism, full of the feature of times.
Chan Hou Seng
Director of Macau Museum of Art
Elegance is the feature of traditional Chinese paintings and also the soul of Jiang Shanqing’s modern ink wash painting.
Liu Chuanming
Dean of the School of Art Studies, International Academy for Chinese Culture, Expert in National Museum of China
Structure is not concerned with the outer world, nor is it with dream and the inner world. It’s completely new. New things bear vividness, but are familiar. Familiarity is the spirit of the ink wash painting.
Lu Datong
Artist and Designer in Macau
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